The Communication Strategy of the “Environment and Climate Change” 2021-2027 Programme focuses on its content and objectives highlighting its role and benefits. At the same time, the Programme’s Communication Strategy will emphasize the pivotal contribution of European funds to the protection and preservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources, energy transition, adaptation to climate change, urban revitalization, sustainable multimodal urban mobility-micromobility and the satisfaction of the requirements of the EU environmental acquis in the management of solid waste and water, integrating the parameters of the circular economy.
A key priority of the communication strategy of the “Environment and Climate Change” Programme 2021-2027 is also the direct and timely updating? of potential beneficiaries about funding opportunities and the procedures for accessing them, the strengthening of awareness and the contribution of EU to the improvement of citizens’ quality of life. Furthermore, publicity actions will ensure the transparency of resources and the support to beneficiaries during project implementation in terms of communication and promotion of the results of implemented actions.
The NSRF Communication Guide is a supporting tool for the implementation of the Programme’s obligations regarding visibility, transparency, communication and includes the main requirements to be observed by the Managing Authority and the Beneficiaries of the projects, as they arise from Regulation (EU) 2021/1060.
O.P. “Transport Infrastructure, Environment, Sustainable development” 2014 – 2020