Presentation – Programme

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“Environment and Climate Change” 2021-2027

The “Environment and Climate Change” Programme was approved by the European Commission on 26/08/2022.

It is the main Sectoral Programme of the NSRF for the implementation of the national strategies in the thematic areas of Energy, Adaptation to Climate Change, Urban environment (Urban revitalization, Air pollution, Noise, Sustainable multimodal urban micromobility), the Circular Economy – Waste Management, Water and Wastewater Management and Biodiversity Protection for the Programming Period 2021-2027.

The total programme allocation, including national and EU contributions, amounts to 3.606.846.168 euros, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF).

The Programme supports Policy Objective 2 for a greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility” and contributes to the following strategic objectives:

  • The promotion of the energy transition to clean forms of energy and the use of RES to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Adapting to climate change, preventing, and managing risks associated with both the effects of climate change and human interventions in ecosystems.
  • Urban revitalization with an emphasis on the built and natural urban environment
  • Sustainable multimodal urban mobility-micro mobility
  • Meeting the requirements of the EU environmental acquis in the management of solid waste and water, incorporating the parameters of the circular economy
  • The preservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources

The programme consists of 9 priorities:

Priority 1 “Energy Efficiency, RES promotion, and Energy Infrastructure” (ERDF, EUR 947 164 960, 31.8 % of EU allocation / CF, EUR 109 100 000, 3.7 % of EU allocation):

The programme will support investments in improving the energy efficiency of households, public buildings and SMEs, high efficiency cogeneration actions for district heating and cooling, RES projects mainly in GR-eco islands, interconnection of islands to mainland, natural gas pipeline in Western Macedonia to replace lignite, and energy storage actions.

Priority 2 “Climate Change Adaptation” (ERDF, EUR 223 304 780, 7.5 % of EU allocation / CF, EUR 124 598 246, 4.2 % of EU allocation):

The programme will support investments in anti-flood projects, protection from landslides, implementation of forest risk prevention and management plans, and investments in green infrastructure, such as “green roofs” and “rain gardens”, and ecosystem-based approaches to prevent and deal with desertification and erosion of coasts and soils due to climate change.

Priority 3 “Urban Regeneration” (ERDF, EUR 107 270 630, 3.6 % of EU allocation / CF, EUR 131 413 779, 4.4 % of EU allocation):

The programme will support the development of Metropolitan Park in Faliriko bay in Athens, which will respect the principles of the New European Bauhaus. In addition, green and blue infrastructure will be supported including the decontamination and restoration of polluted urban and peri-urban areas as well as air quality monitoring actions in large urban areas and noise mapping.

Priority 4 “Integrated Waste Management – Transition to the Circular economy” (CF, EUR 676 204 072, 22.7 % of EU allocation):

The programme will support the development of the Recycling and Recovery facilities (RRF), which will receive mainly separately collected waste and secondarily residual waste as well as equipment for sorting at source and collection systems and other intermunicipal facilities (transfer stations, Green Points). The programme will also finance the conversion of the Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) into RRFs. Circular economy actions will be supported in GR-eco islands and 4% of the priority axis budget is planned for capacity building measures.

Priority 5 “Urban Wastewater and Water Resources Management” (CF, 18.3 % of EU allocation):

The programme will support the completion of the remaining “B” and “C” type of agglomerations including the setup of a financial instrument to ensure household connections. A holistic approach to address the water needs is developed and it will be implemented in four clusters of agglomerations. RES-powered desalination plants with a strong governance system whereas water resources management actions will be supported in GR-eco islands. Finally, 4% of the priority axis budget will be dedicated to capacity building measures.

Priority 6 “Biodiversity protection” (ERDF, 1.9 % of EU allocation):

The programme will support actions include establishing conservation objectives for the remaining areas of community interest and a national habitat/species monitoring system; completing the action plans for Species and Habitats and the Protected Area Management Plans; supporting the new administration and management structure of Natura areas and the creation of green infrastructure (e.g.; “Greenway”).

Priority 7 “Urban Mobility” (ERDF, 0.9 % of EU allocation).

The action concerns the creation of cycle paths in the metropolitan areas of Athens, Thessaloniki and large urban centers with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants.

Priority 8 “Technical Assistance” (ERDF, EUR 8 929 732, 0.3 % of EU allocation). 

Priority 9 “Technical Assistance” (CF, EUR 20 334 902, 0.7 % of EU allocation).

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