The evaluation of the performance of the “Environment and Climate Change” Programme 2021-2027 contributes to the measurement of the overall utilization of the Funds (ERDF, CF), using indicators and criteria such as effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, and EU funds added value, as well as participation, non-discriminatory treatment and visibility, with the aim of improving the quality of the design and implementation of the Programme.
The Managing Authority prepares an Evaluation Plan, to be submitted to the Monitoring Committee no later than one year after the approval of the Programme. The role of the Evaluation Plan is central to ensuring the implementation of quality assessments and their effective use by the Managing Authority.
The European Commission will carry out an interim evaluation of the Programme by the end of 2024 and an ex-post evaluation by the end of 2031.
The Member State is required to complete by the end of June 2029 an evaluation of the Programme to assess its impact.